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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Patient and Family Rights and Responsibilities


You have the right to:

  • be treated with dignity, respect and understanding.
  • receive high quality health care in a safe and secure environment.
  • have your concerns listened to and be provided with answers to your questions
  • be included in all aspects of your health care including the right to be informed, participate in health care decisions or refuse treatment.
  • privacy and to express your concerns about any matter regarding the confidentiality of your personal information.


It is your responsibility to:

  • treat others with dignity and respect including patients, families, visitors and staff.
  • be an active, involved and informed partner in your health care plan.
  • recognize that the needs of other patients and families may be more urgent than your own.
  • follow the agreed upon treatment plan, give clear and accurate information about your health care, and notify your health team of any changes to your health condition.
  • respect the privacy and confidentiality of others including patients, families, visitors and staff.


You or a member of your family will be asked to sign consent forms for surgery, treatment and some diagnostic procedures. Your doctor or other professional staff will explain the procedure to you. It is important that you have a full understanding of the procedure in order to make an informed decision about your care prior to signing the consent.


The Lady Dunn Health Centre Respects your Privacy.  All information related to an individual at the Lady Dunn Health Centre will be treated as confidential. This information may be written, verbal or in any other form. Even the knowledge that an individual is in the Health Centre will not be volunteered or acknowledged without the consent of the individual.

Confidentiality extends to everything the staff at the Health Centre learns in the exercise of their duties. It extends to both important and unimportant information, the nature of the patient/client's illness, the cause, the treatment and all information the patient/client may disclose with a view to giving a better understanding for treatment of the ailment, etc.; all information the physician learns from the examination of the patient; the reactions of the patient, their conduct in the Health Centre; anything that may be disclosed while in delirium; their financial status; the conditions at home; or domestic difficulties. These are all confidential matters.

Scent Reduction

Scented products contain certain chemicals that can cause serious problems for people with asthma, allergies, migraines and environmental illnesses. We recognize the significant reactions that can result from exposure to scents, odours and fragrances and will take reasonable steps to reduce this potential exposure.  We encourage visitors, employees and volunteers to voluntarily refrain from using chemically based scented products.


As a Health Care Centre we promote a smoke-free environment and restrict smoking within and on the property.  This is in compliance with the "Smoke Free Ontario Act".

Spiritual, Religious and Ethical Care

We provide non-judgmental support to all people, regardless of background or beliefs.

Uninsured Services

Patients and/or families are completely responsible for payment of Hospital services for which they do not have coverage. There are charges for various services and procedures not covered by the Ontario Hospital Insurance Plan (e.g. ambulance, orthopedic soft goods, crutches, etc). Non-residents of Canada are required to pay a daily rate set by the hospital and authorized by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care.

Learn More

Lady Dunn Health Centre cares about Accessibility

Lady Dunn Health Centre will make written information and other forms of communication accessible, upon request. Please call us: 705-856-2335 (toll-free: 1-866-832-3321), or email us:

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