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Monday, October 21, 2024

Privacy Policy

Ten Privacy Principles

  • Accountability
    Facility to appoint Manager of Health Records as the Privacy Officer.
  • Identifying Purposes
    Purpose for collecting information shall be identified to client.
  • Consent
    Knowledge and consent is required for collection, use and disclosure of personal health information.
  • Limiting Collection
    Collection shall be limited to that which is necessary to provide the service requested.
  • Limiting Use and Disclosure
    Personal health information shall not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected.
  • Accuracy
    Personal health information shall be accurate, complete and up-to date.
  • Safeguards
    Personal health information shall be protected by security safeguards.
  • Openness
    Information regarding policies and practices relating to personal health information shall be made available.
  • Access
    Clients shall be given access to information held as well as ability to challenge the information collected.
  • Challenging Compliance
    Clients shall be able to challenge the compliance of the facility with regards to following the Act.

Questions & Answers

Who can look at your Personal Health Information?
Doctors, nurses, and other health care workers who are treating you look at your health record on a “need to know” basis. This is true if the treatment takes place here or somewhere else. Reasons we would share relevant parts of our record include:

  • If you are referred to another facility, specialist. Why? Because he or she will need to see what services you have already had before recommending a plan of care.
  • If you have Home Nursing services. Why? Because the nurse or case manager may need to check your records to find out about your condition and what medicines you are taking.
  • We also may use the information from your health record to help us plan and audit services.

We will send copies, reports to your family doctor and/or the doctor who is handling your care or in the case of Dubreuilville and Missanabie clinic of your care unless otherwise requested by you. You can ask us not to mail or fax the notes made by your health care workers to a particular doctor, or facility. Your decision to withhold particular details may limit or prevent us from providing services you have asked for or may benefit from. However, if a doctor has electronic access to your health record, we relay on professionalism, signed consents and audits to ensure your health information is kept private.

Can you refuse to provide information?
The choice to provide us with personal information is always yours. However, your decision to withhold particular details may limit or prevent us from providing services you have asked for or may benefit from.

Can you see the Personal Health Information we have about you?
Yes, you may submit a request to access your health records. Your health care provider and the health records staff will assist you throughout the process. Furthermore, you may sign a consent form to give anyone access to your health records if desired. Generally the facility has 30 days to comply with this request.

Can you correct the Personal Health Information that we have about you?
If you find any mistakes in your health records, you can ask us to correct them.

Will you be asked for consent before we use your Personal Health Information?
Yes, in most cases. But there are some exceptions. Under provincial legislation we are allowed to use your health information. In these cases, clear rules restrict how we use your information.

Access to Health Records

Can I have access to my health records?
Yes, you may submit a request to access your health records. Your health care provider and the health records staff will assist you throughout the process. Furthermore, you may sign a consent form to give anyone access to your health records if desired. Generally the facility has 30 days to comply with this request.

Request Form
Request for Access to Health Records (» Email us for a copy)
Divulgation de renseignements ou accès à des renseignements (» Email us for a copy)

Applicable Fees for Personal Health Information may apply.

Freedom of Information

What is FIPPA?
The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) requires public organizations to protect the privacy of your personal information that is in their custody or under their control. It also gives you the right to request access to any information held by the organization, including general records and records containing your own personal information.

“Personal information” means recorded information about an individual. This may include your name, address, sex, age, education, employment history – and any other information about you. FIPPA does not apply to Personal Health Information which is information about your health or health care history. This type of information is subject to the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA). Please contact our Health Records Department if you are seeking access or looking to make a correction to your Personal Health Information.

The purpose of FIPPA is to provide the public with access to information and to protect the privacy of each individual whose personal information we have in our custody or under our control. Lady Dunn Health Centre has established a Privacy Officer to administer general and personal information access requests.

Contact the Lady Dunn Health Centre Privacy Officer:
Privacy Officer
Lady Dunn Health Centre
Wawa, ON P0S 1K0
Phone: 705-856-2334 ext 3512

Learn More

Lady Dunn Health Centre cares about Accessibility

Lady Dunn Health Centre will make written information and other forms of communication accessible, upon request. Please call us: 705-856-2335 (toll-free: 1-866-832-3321), or email us:

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